Lisa Grueter, AICP
Lisa is a land use planner with more than thirty years of experience in policy planning for the public and private sectors. Her expertise includes comprehensive and subarea planning under the state’s Growth Management Act, customized programmatic and planned action environmental documentation under the State Environmental Policy Act, shoreline master programs under the Shoreline Management Act, and the integration of these laws into cohesive, implementable planning policies.
Lisa has worked with counties and cities across Washington State and spent seven years as a senior planner for the cities of Sumner and Renton. She received a B.A. in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine and a Master of City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley.
Outside BERK

Born in Wyoming, Lisa grew up in Southern California before moving to San Francisco and ultimately Seattle. Lisa enjoys reading, especially biographies. She has travelled in northern Europe and would like to try more exotic travels in the future. Lisa enjoys spending time with her husband and teenage son, watching movies, hosting game nights, and taking road trips.