
Great strategy is rooted in an aspirational vision of a desired future coupled with keen insight into the current situation and a commitment to action.

We collaborate with our clients to establish a shared understanding of the landscape, powerfully communicate vision and direction, align resources for implementation, and create tools for adaptive stewardship of the strategy.


Services & Representative Projects

Strategic and Business Planning for Organizations

Strategic Planning for Communities

Investment Strategy and Landscape Scans

  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Institutional Transformation Assessment Initiative

  • Foundation for Tacoma Students, Landscape Analysis

  • Perigee Fund, Paid Family Medical Leave Evaluation

Emergency Management and Public Safety Planning



We analyze public policy questions and help decision makers develop policy that uses taxpayer resources efficiently and benefits local communities.

Our work is based on quantitative and qualitative research supported by expert facilitation skills and a nuanced understanding of financial and political realities.


Services & Representative Projects

Criminal Justice

Health and Human Services






Our planning practice fosters sustainable and resilient communities, well-prepared to make wise long-term decisions and meet challenges as they arise.

Our approach to community planning integrates land use, economics, and fiscal analysis with comprehensive planning and SEPA review.


Services & Representative Projects

Comprehensive and Subarea Planning

Development Regulation Review and Creation

Programmatic and Planned Action Environmental Impact Statements

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plans

Shoreline Master Programs

Voluntary Stewardship Programs

To learn more about our planning services and expertise, click here.



We are experts in municipal and infrastructure finance and have developed financial models and financing strategies for jurisdictions, districts, and agencies.

We help our clients plan, manage, and sustain their communities through strong public services, equitable tax policies, and thoughtful capital facility planning.


Services & Representative Projects

Annexations and Incorporation Analysis

Capital Facilities Planning

Financial Feasibility and Costs of Service

Funding, Rate, and Fee Studies

Municipal Service Delivery



We bring an innovative, rigorous and cross-disciplinary approach to economic analysis.

We help clients understand underlying economic conditions and their strategic challenges and opportunities, translating demographic and market conditions into succinct policy options and scenarios.


Services & Representative Projects

Economic Impact Analysis

Industry Cluster Analysis

Economic Development and Workforce Strategy

  • King County Regional Youth Apprenticeship Consortium, Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship Grant

  • Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation, Market Assessment and Economic Study

Market and Demographic Analysis



We help programs assess effectiveness, efficiency, and equity to better serve their clients.

BERK conducts program and process evaluations for public agencies, funders, and non-profit organizations at all stages of their program development. We also support efforts to define and assess the outcome and performance metrics that matter the most.


Services & Representative Projects

Program and Process Evaluation

Performance Measurement and Assessment

  • Tacoma Housing Authority, Children’s Savings Account Evaluation

  • Washington State Auditor's Office, K12 Homeless Students Performance Audit Washington STEM, Measurement & Learning Framework


Data Analytics + GIS

Data analysis is fundamental to our practice and integrated into all our work.

Our staff apply advanced analytical techniques and develop robust tools to help clients discover clear and actionable insights from their data. Because transparency and clarity are essential to policy work, we create beautiful, approachable information design products to communicate these insights to a broad audience.


Services & Representative Projects

Interactive Mapping Tools and Dashboards

GIS and Spatial Data Analysis


Community Engagement

Equitable outcomes and sound decisions require thoughtful community engagement.

We design engagements that bring together participants representing their diverse communities and perspectives. To be successful, these engagements must meet people where they are at, facilitate thoughtful conversation, and provide a safe place to share ideas.


Services & Representative Projects

Online Engagement and Surveys

  • Department of Commerce, Social Marketing Tools for Building Green Cities Program

  • King County, Shoreline Master Program Update – Community Engagement

  • City of Mercer Island, Aubrey Davis Park Master Plan

  • Alliance for Pioneer Square, 2020 Neighborhood Plan Update

Public Outreach Planning and Implementation

  • A Supportive Community for All Snoqualmie Valley, Community Needs Assessment

  • City of Bellevue Aquatics Center, Outreach and Engagement

  • Pierce County Library System, Strategic Plan

  • Thurston County, Strategic Plan

Individual and Group Interviews

  • College Success Foundation, Situation Assessment and Strategic Plan

  • City of Tukwila, Senior Services Assessment

  • City of Puyallup, Downtown Economic Development Strategy



A productive and enjoyable planning process requires expert facilitation.

A good facilitator finds ways to balance and hear from the dominant voices, the diplomats, and the reserved; allows enough discussion, but not too much; and keeps the group focused on what matters most. They can make meetings more productive and enjoyable.

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Services & Representative Projects

Committee and Work Group Facilitation

  • Association of Washington Cities, Public Records Act Work Group

  • Joint Transportation Committee, City Transportation Funding Needs Assessment

  • King County, Low Income Fare Advisory Committee and Task Force

  • Washington State Transportation Commission, Road Usage Charge Study

Retreat and Meeting Facilitation

  • Bellevue Downtown Association, Board Retreat

  • City of Shoreline, Annual Council Retreat

  • King County Prosecutor’s Office, Retreat

  • Seattle Department of Transportation, Yesler Crescent Focus Groups

  • Washington State Department of Transportation, Kingsgate TOD Work Group

  • Washington State Charter Schools Association, Staff and School Leaders Retreat

  • Washington State Hospital Association, Board Retreat