BERK's Transportation Experience
BERK’s transportation funding and policy experience includes work for the State, counties, cities, public transit authorities, ferry districts, ports, and other local communities. Our work includes supporting county and city funding studies to inform Transportation Improvement Plans (TIPs) and Transportation Master Plans (TMPs); transportation impact fees; and operations, program design, and strategic studies. BERK supports toll revenue forecasting studies with economic analysis and regional land use forecasting. We also support passenger only fare revenue studies with market analysis and ridership demand forecasting.
Statewide Transportation Funding and Policy Studies:
Joint Transportation Committee: Statewide Transportation Needs Assessment
Joint Transportation Committee: City Transportation Funding Study
Joint Transportation Committee: TNC Policy Guide / Summary Report and Taxi and For-Hire Policy Guide
Washington State Association of Counties: County Transportation Revenue Study
Source: iStock
Local Funding Studies and Financial Analysis:
Chelan County Transportation Element of TIP (Chapter 7 completed by BERK)
City of Issaquah Mobility Master Plan (support)
City of Kennewick Transportation System Plan (Chapter 5 completed by BERK)
City of Kent Transportation Master Plan (support)
King County Department of Transportation Road Services Division Financial Review
Kittitas County Transportation Element of TIP (Chapter 7 completed by BERK)
Lake Forest Park Safe Streets Funding Options
Toll Revenue Forecasting Studies:
WSDOT Traffic and Toll Revenue On Call Services (Regional Land Use Forecasting)
Passenger Fare Revenue Studies:
KC Water Taxi Service Alternatives (Ridership forecast)
KC Ferries Fare Policy (Ridership and revenue forecast)
King County Metro Fare Program Technical Assistance
Pierce Transit Fast Ferry Feasibility Study (Ridership forecast)
Washington State Ferries Tariff Updates
Transportation Impact Fees:
City of Seattle
City of Tacoma (support)
Pierce County (support)
Thurston County (support)
Operations Studies, Program Design, and Strategic Plans:
King County International Airport Boeing Field Strategic Plan
King County Low Income Fare Advisory Committee (resulted in ORCA LIFT)
Skagit County Guemes Ferry Operations and Service Study
Washington State Ferries Reservations Design and Implementation
Source: iStock