Shoreline Sidewalk Prioritization Plan
Julie, a member of the Sidewalk Advisory Committee, conducting field work with her service dog.
Marcia Wagoner and Rebecca Fornaby planned and facilitated a stakeholder and public outreach process to create a plan for improving Shoreline’s network of sidewalks. Marcia facilitated 12 meetings of a 14-person Sidewalk Advisory Committee (SAC) tasked with analyzing how to prioritize and fund pedestrian needs for new and repaired sidewalks. The SAC was comprised of Shoreline residents of a wide range of ages and interests, including members with disabilities who brought a critical perspective that shaped the Committee’s recommendations.
In addition to the SAC, they planned and facilitated a series of public open houses to share the SAC’s progress and collect feedback from the larger Shoreline community.
City staff used the SAC and public’s input—as well as technical analysis—to recommend a Sidewalk Prioritization Plan to the City Manager. A gas tax increase and bond measure are funding the SAC’s final recommendations.