Jessie Hartmann: Three Questions, Three Answers
The Robot Restaurant in Tokyo.
1. Mountains or beach?
Definitely mountains. I grew up camping and hiking in the Cascades and am calmest when surrounded by greenery and mountain lakes. I usually have a hard time being still (you’ll probably catch my doodling in a meeting to help my brain focus), but I can sit for hours and just listen to the forest.
2. Where do you want to travel?
Japan, always Japan. Tokyo is the only place I’ve traveled outside the PNW where I feel truly at home. The people, the food, the buildings, the transit (always on time!), the history, the cicadas, I love it all. Everything about that city makes my heart happy.
The southern French countryside is pretty cool too though. Anywhere it's hot enough for cicadas and muggy thunderstorms sounds lovely.
3. Growing up I thought I might become...
An animator at Pixar! I actually sent a letter to Pixar before starting junior high asking what classes I should take so I could work for them one day. A very nice employee wrote back telling me to take what sounded the most interesting and to try my hardest in every class. They also sent a bunch of swag and some “making of” VHS tapes to help get me started.