Claire Miccio: Three Questions, Three Answers
Claire loving life on the lungomare liberato in Naples.
1. Where do you want to travel?
Sardinia with my husband, Hawaii with my sons, and New England by myself. But right now, with an infant and a toddler, I keep it regional. No long flights or car trips. I feel blessed to live in Washington where the geography and climate is diverse. Go west, you find rocky beach and rainforest. Go east, you find glaciers and alpine meadows. Go further east and you find scablands. It’s amazing how a short distance from Seattle can take you far away.
2. What book(s) have you read recently?
I’m part way through Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Before that I read Dietland by Sarai Walker, which I really liked. It was dark and funny and made me seethe at the lucrative market of women’s self-loathing. Next up is You Owe Yourself a Drunk by James Spradley, which I hope will give me historical insight into Seattle’s homelessness crisis.
3. Growing up I thought I might become…
A dancer. And I still believe! I danced – mostly ballet – until I was 14, when I discovered that playing soccer made me a lot happier. In college, I returned to dance and studied modern and West African. I dance every morning with my toddler and take classes when I can. Velocity Dance Center has great teachers and I’m a big fan of Jennifer Cepeda’s hip hop sessions at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Becoming a member of the Mark Morris Dance Group is my retirement plan. You never know!